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  Artist Title Label Price


Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno


A Rätinä (6:30)
B1 Kohina (8:24)
B2 Hidas Muutos (4:01)

Sähkö Recordings

Cat No: SÄHKÖ-004
Released: 1993



Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno

Sit On The Bass

Black Side
A Sit On The Bass
Green Side
B1 Inside Your Mind
B2 New Generation House

R & S Records

Cat No: RS 9105
Released: 1991


Chris Liebing & Speedy J

Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno

Discombobulated / Klave

A Chris Liebing Discombobulated (8:53)
B Speedy J Klave (10:10)


Cat No: REKIDS 044
Released: 2009


Choci & The Geezer

Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno

It's Beyond Control

A It's Beyond Control (Hennes + Cold Remix)
B It's Beyond Control (Choci's Original Mix)

Sectioned Recordings

Cat No: SECTIOND 001
Released: 2001


Paradiso & Learmond Jnr

Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno

The Hustle

A1 The Hustle (Party Faithful's Mischief Remix)
A2 The Hustle (Paradiso Extended Remix)
B1 The Hustle (Drax Trance Mix)
B2 The Hustle (Next Room Remix)

Rimini Trax

Cat No: 12 HUSTLE 001
Released: 1995



Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno

The Squeeze

A1 The Squeeze (Original Mix)
A2 Jaywalker (Theme)
B The Squeeze (Digital Justice Mix)

Pleasure (6)

Cat No: JOY9
Released: 1996


The Scientist

Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno

The Exorcist II (The Remix)

A The Exorcist (Remix)
AA1 The Exorcist (Exorcised Mix)
AA2 The Exorcist (Possessed Mix)

Kickin Records

Released: 1990
Out Of Stock


Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno

Virtuoso (Remixes)

A Virtuoso (Rolando Remix)
AA Virtuoso (The Youngsters Remix)

Soma Quality Recordings

Cat No: SOMA 118R
Released: 2002



Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno

Virtuoso (Remixes)

A Virtuoso (Rolando Remix)
AA Virtuoso (The Youngsters Remix)

Soma Quality Recordings

Cat No: SOMA 118R
Released: 2002



Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno


A Human Response
B The Machine's Choice


Cat No: ISO 020
Released: 2005


L.A. Style

Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno

James Brown Is Dead

A James Brown Is Dead (Original Mix) (5:38)
B James Brown Is Dead (XTC Mix) (5:09)

ZYX Records

Cat No: ZYX 6586-12
Released: 1991
Out Of Stock


Format: Vinyl Compilation
Genre: Techno


A1 Kaos Definition Of Love
A2 Juan Atkins Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
A3 Separate Minds First Bass (Remix)
A4 Tranzistor The Force
B1 Chez Damier Just A Matter Of Time
B2 R-Tyme Illusion
B3 24-7-365 The Love You Saved
B4 Rhythim Is Rhythim Beyond The Dance


Cat No: KMS - 018
Released: 1989



Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno

The Heart Break

A1 The Heart Break (Rough Take) (5:17)
A2 The Heart Break (Female Version) (5:20)
B1 The Heart Break (Crystallized) (5:20)
B2 Into The Galaxy (4:48)

Groove Kissing

Cat No: GK 012
Released: 1991


Dave Angel

Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno

Tokyo Stealth Fighter - (DISC 1 ONLY)

A Tokyo Stealth Fighter
B Tokyo Stealth Fighter (Slam Conflicting Beats Mix)

4th & Broadway

Cat No: 12 BRD 355 DJ
Released: 1997


Ken Ishii

Format: Vinyl 12 Inch
Genre: Techno


A1 Auburnia (Album Mix)
A2 Auburnia (Valentino Kanzyani Remix)
B1 Auburnia (12" Mix)
B2 Auburnia (FLR Remix)


Cat No: EXEC23
Released: 2003


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Information on the Techno genre

Techno is a form of electronic dance music that emerged in Detroit, Michigan in the United States during the mid to late 1980s. The first recorded use of the word techno, in reference to a genre of music, was in 1988. Many styles of techno now exist, but Detroit techno is seen as the foundation upon which a number of subgenres have been built.

The initial take on techno arose from the melding of European electronic music by artists such as Kraftwerk with African American music including funk, electro, Chicago house and electric jazz. Added to this is the influence of futuristic and fictional themes that are relevant to life in American late capitalist society—particularly the book The Third Wave by Alvin Toffler. Pioneering producer Juan Atkins cites Toffler's phrase "techno rebels" as inspiring him to use the word techno to describe the musical style he helped to create. This unique blend of influences aligns techno with the aesthetic referred to as afrofuturism. To producers such as Derrick May, the transference of spirit from the body to the machine is often a central preoccupation; essentially an expression of technological spirituality. In this manner: "techno dance music defeats what Adorno saw as the alienating effect of mechanisation on the modern consciousness".

Music journalists and fans of techno are generally selective in their use of the term; so a clear distinction can be made between sometimes related but often qualitatively different styles, such as tech house and trance. "Techno" is also commonly confused with generalized descriptors, such as electronic music and dance music.